Wednesday, 23 April 2008

Big Brother ensnares me with its neon claws, yet again.

The first two housemates to be revealed have both annoyed me, for similar reasons.

Terri (you make me very merry...), who is the one with the curious affinity with Pauline Hanson, and who blames immigrants for a lot of Australia's problems, annoys me because her supposedly non-PC views are clearly just a regurgitation of what she thinks constitutes anti-establishment non-PC rhetoric. I'm not really that offended by her views at all, more by her shallowness and transparency. She seems like the kind of woman who would bitch and moan about immigrants (or gays or Jews or any minority group under the sun), but if she were in a room full of people who disagreed with her for long enough she'd cave in fairly quickly.

Second cab off the rank is:

Dixie, who I have christened Dixie Shits, (and no, it's not because she's brown, I'm not a racist!) annoys me because she's of the "I'm LOUD and OBNOXIOUS and INYERFACE" persuasion. Being slightly tubby and Aboriginal doesn't cover for the fact that her type of BB housemate has been seen again and again -- and again and again and again.

Same show, new housemates? I don't (necessarily) think so.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I reckon you're spot-on about about Ten-Tonne Terri Jacob. She talks big outside the house, but once inside I reckon she'll soil her parachute-sized knickers and we'll hardly hear a "controversial" word out of her.

Dixie looks like she's going to be trying the whole big fat sassy "talk to the hand" African-American woman thing on us. It's not going to work here in Australia I don't think darl.

Every year BB promises us that "This year the house mates are going to be much less shallow etc" but I'm not going to be holding my breath. Its looking like it's going to be another Bogan-fest.

23 April 2008 at 1:10 pm  
Blogger actonb said...

I agree with Nick - the presence of Kyle and Jacquie O are kinda lending credence to the 'Bogan-fest' vibe that's going down here.

23 April 2008 at 6:20 pm  
Blogger gigglewick said...

It's the vacant look in Kyle Sandiland's eyes that gets me.

It's like there is really nothing there.

Not a jot of emotion. Not an inkling of empathy.

hmmmm. Perhaps I have overthought this.

23 April 2008 at 9:03 pm  
Blogger Jacob said...

Nick - bogan-fest is right.

actonb - Oh, I don't know about that. I like Kyle in spite of everything, and I haven't any particular objection to Jackie O. It could very well turn out to be a bogan-fest, but it'll have everything to do with the housemates, not the new hosts.

Gigglewick - ha, perhaps you have.

25 April 2008 at 10:03 pm  

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