So You Think The Judges Can Get It Right This Time? Top 14 Results Show
As always, we open with a group number. This week it's hip-hop and it's boring. They just don't really seem to be doing much. And can we stop with the group dances all being themed 'Gang A v Gang B'? There's been an element of that twice now and I'm bored.
Nat looks cuter this evening, she brushed her hair and blue seems to suit her. The whole thing is a little too Grease for me, and I keep expecting John Travolta to show up in his tight black jeans and carry her away - but this is a dance show after all, so you never know ... Jason, on the other hand, totally ignored my advice and has upgraded to a big old silver Michael-Jackson-In-Thriller-Era jacket. Blergh. I guess he's trying to prove that he's all about the 80's and none about the 70's, after Anothony's comment the other week.
Right-o. Lets get into it.
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First up on the results train, we have Demi & Jack and Camilla & Sermsah. As per usual, we get a recap of the dancing and the comments, followed by Nat repeating what we just saw the judges say, and it's Camilla and Sermsah in the bottom three for the first time, so Jack and Demi get shuffled off stage while Nat does an amusing interview with Camilla and Sermsah, which is actually only amusing because no matter how far away from Camilla and toward Sermsah Nat angles her microphone, Camilla gets in front of it and answers every single bloody question. Bint.
After the break - and there are a lot of breaks in this show, so lets pretty much assume that every paragraph starts with an 'after the break' so I can stop typing it - it's Henry & Vanessa and Rhys (who has decided this week to experiment with glitter and red facepaint, and it's part adorable and part just-got-hit-by-a-car icky) & Jemma. They do this to scare Team Rhys, I tells you, because looking at those two and hearing all the teen girls squeeling and yelling for New Henry, I'm getting kind of worried that if one of these couples is in the bottom three, it's my boy and his woman and I'm regretting not voting. But only for a minute, because after the obligatory recap, Nat declares both couples safe. Yay!
So then we're down to Anthony & Laura, Kate & Graeme and JD & Rhiannon. This is going to be close, boys and girls. Except ... not really.
Anthony and Laura get sent through to the bottom three without even having to wait for the other couples to get recapped. And then JD and Rhiannon join them, which Rhainnon doesn't look particularly devastated about, because everyone knows she wants a new partner. Don't get too cocky there, young lady. He's not gone yet ...
The judges waste no time telling Australia that they got it right this week, and they're really pleased about it and yay yay yay for everyone who voted, which I'm sure makes the bottom six dancers, who are standing RIGHT THERE, really happy.
Then it's time for this weeks DFYL, which of course is broken up by a commercial break, because it's impossible to fit six 30-second routines and six 30-second interviews into one segment and still get an ad to show ratio of 60-40. Obvs.
Camilla is first and she's pretty average. It's that whole 'first time in the bottom three, must do absolutely every trick I know' thing, I suppose. Sermsah does his part-traditional part-contemporary thing, which is quite good, if not particularly interesting to me.
Laura does better this week - but only marginally. I think part of her problem is that she's quite tall and long limbed, with big feet and big hands, but she's also still quite curvy, so on the whole, she never looks particularly graceful. There's too much of her.
And - FUCK ME - could the people living upstairs stomp down on their wooden floorboards with any more intensity as the march back and forth across their living room more times in five minutes than I do in a freaking week? This makes me really look forward to moving house, let me tell you. Sorry. It's 7am here. There need not be so much ruckus.
Anthony probably read that no-one liked the stripper routine much last week so this week he's angsty contempo-boy. So there's lots of walking around looking wounded in between the usual random acrobatics. Yawn. I so don't care.
Rhiannon does a pretty ok but not overly exciting hip-hop jazz routine, and I can't help but think she pulls off those big hip-hop sneakers in quite a cute way. JD does what he does and what makes everyone watching on TV wonder why the judges love him so.
And then the judges go and deliberate, and I'm thinking it can't be that hard this week, so they're probably going to go out the back and smoke a cigarette or two and talk about the latest episode of Kitchen Nightmares US, where Ramsey dropped the c-bomb. But no, when we cut to them after the Simple Plan performance that I really can't be bothered saying anything about at all, they actually look like they're doing judgy shit.
... And then they're back, and ready to kick out a girl. Jason says a bunch of irrelevant crap and looks all bossy and pissed off and then gets tired of dragging out the most obvoious elimination since Stephanie and eliminates Laura, which is about as surprising as - breakfast, maybe. She's all nice about the whole thing and keeps smiling while she makes her rejection speech and I start to wonder if the wind changed and her face froze into that crazy wide smile. Bye Laura. We'll miss you ... not much.
Next up are the boys and Jason criticises them all and then eliminates ... Sermsah? Huh? I don't think he's that great, but he's way less boring than Anthony and less one-note than JD. This makes no sense to me.
Nor to Rhiannon, who fills my screen all of a sudden looking - not nearly as happy as she probably should for her safe partner. I want to remind her there's only one more week in these pairs and then it's random and she might get someone good. And at least she's spared dancing with Anothony.
Nat gives us this whole speech about how we don't even know the half of what Sermsah has gone through to get here, which - is puzzling and makes me wonder what more there is. And then they recap his journey and it's quite nicely done, even if I still think his 'are you sure you want to do that?' when they put him through after the group dances was lame-arse. And then we get the interview and the editing monkeys bleep out most of his first sentence right up to just before he actually says the word fuck. Ah, the pitfalls of live TV.
It's very funny anyway, because he's all apologising for swearing and everyone else is trying to look shocked and not laugh, but failing, and I'm laughing because I have no kids to protect the innocent ears of. But, you know, he too is nice about leaving, and not all bitter and shit.
And that's the show. Next week the dancers are choreographing their own routines. Which I find frightening and not-cool in the extreme, because this is SYTYCDA, not Idol, and we don't need or want special theme nights. Just ... go find some choreographers, k?
But here are my predictions anyway:
Rhys and Jemma will do a little bit of slightly gender-bending jazzy stuff. Jason will hate that Rhys didn't dance like a man. Or maybe he won't. It depends on the song. I will like it but middle Australia might get a bit worried.
Henry and Vanessa will combine lots of his hip thrusting with lots of her ballet. It will be slightly wrong, but ok.
Camilla and Anthony will put me to sleep with boring leapy jazz.
Kate and Graeme will probably stick to what they do well and go for some sort of angry contemporary jazz thing.
Demi and Jack will do something hip-hop flavoured, to cater to Demi not being that good at anything else.
Ditto JD and Rhiannon.
It will not be the best night of dance ever. Sigh.
Nat looks cuter this evening, she brushed her hair and blue seems to suit her. The whole thing is a little too Grease for me, and I keep expecting John Travolta to show up in his tight black jeans and carry her away - but this is a dance show after all, so you never know ... Jason, on the other hand, totally ignored my advice and has upgraded to a big old silver Michael-Jackson-In-Thriller-Era jacket. Blergh. I guess he's trying to prove that he's all about the 80's and none about the 70's, after Anothony's comment the other week.
Right-o. Lets get into it.
read the rest
First up on the results train, we have Demi & Jack and Camilla & Sermsah. As per usual, we get a recap of the dancing and the comments, followed by Nat repeating what we just saw the judges say, and it's Camilla and Sermsah in the bottom three for the first time, so Jack and Demi get shuffled off stage while Nat does an amusing interview with Camilla and Sermsah, which is actually only amusing because no matter how far away from Camilla and toward Sermsah Nat angles her microphone, Camilla gets in front of it and answers every single bloody question. Bint.
After the break - and there are a lot of breaks in this show, so lets pretty much assume that every paragraph starts with an 'after the break' so I can stop typing it - it's Henry & Vanessa and Rhys (who has decided this week to experiment with glitter and red facepaint, and it's part adorable and part just-got-hit-by-a-car icky) & Jemma. They do this to scare Team Rhys, I tells you, because looking at those two and hearing all the teen girls squeeling and yelling for New Henry, I'm getting kind of worried that if one of these couples is in the bottom three, it's my boy and his woman and I'm regretting not voting. But only for a minute, because after the obligatory recap, Nat declares both couples safe. Yay!
So then we're down to Anthony & Laura, Kate & Graeme and JD & Rhiannon. This is going to be close, boys and girls. Except ... not really.
Anthony and Laura get sent through to the bottom three without even having to wait for the other couples to get recapped. And then JD and Rhiannon join them, which Rhainnon doesn't look particularly devastated about, because everyone knows she wants a new partner. Don't get too cocky there, young lady. He's not gone yet ...
The judges waste no time telling Australia that they got it right this week, and they're really pleased about it and yay yay yay for everyone who voted, which I'm sure makes the bottom six dancers, who are standing RIGHT THERE, really happy.
Then it's time for this weeks DFYL, which of course is broken up by a commercial break, because it's impossible to fit six 30-second routines and six 30-second interviews into one segment and still get an ad to show ratio of 60-40. Obvs.
Camilla is first and she's pretty average. It's that whole 'first time in the bottom three, must do absolutely every trick I know' thing, I suppose. Sermsah does his part-traditional part-contemporary thing, which is quite good, if not particularly interesting to me.
Laura does better this week - but only marginally. I think part of her problem is that she's quite tall and long limbed, with big feet and big hands, but she's also still quite curvy, so on the whole, she never looks particularly graceful. There's too much of her.
And - FUCK ME - could the people living upstairs stomp down on their wooden floorboards with any more intensity as the march back and forth across their living room more times in five minutes than I do in a freaking week? This makes me really look forward to moving house, let me tell you. Sorry. It's 7am here. There need not be so much ruckus.
Anthony probably read that no-one liked the stripper routine much last week so this week he's angsty contempo-boy. So there's lots of walking around looking wounded in between the usual random acrobatics. Yawn. I so don't care.
Rhiannon does a pretty ok but not overly exciting hip-hop jazz routine, and I can't help but think she pulls off those big hip-hop sneakers in quite a cute way. JD does what he does and what makes everyone watching on TV wonder why the judges love him so.
And then the judges go and deliberate, and I'm thinking it can't be that hard this week, so they're probably going to go out the back and smoke a cigarette or two and talk about the latest episode of Kitchen Nightmares US, where Ramsey dropped the c-bomb. But no, when we cut to them after the Simple Plan performance that I really can't be bothered saying anything about at all, they actually look like they're doing judgy shit.
... And then they're back, and ready to kick out a girl. Jason says a bunch of irrelevant crap and looks all bossy and pissed off and then gets tired of dragging out the most obvoious elimination since Stephanie and eliminates Laura, which is about as surprising as - breakfast, maybe. She's all nice about the whole thing and keeps smiling while she makes her rejection speech and I start to wonder if the wind changed and her face froze into that crazy wide smile. Bye Laura. We'll miss you ... not much.
Next up are the boys and Jason criticises them all and then eliminates ... Sermsah? Huh? I don't think he's that great, but he's way less boring than Anthony and less one-note than JD. This makes no sense to me.
Nor to Rhiannon, who fills my screen all of a sudden looking - not nearly as happy as she probably should for her safe partner. I want to remind her there's only one more week in these pairs and then it's random and she might get someone good. And at least she's spared dancing with Anothony.
Nat gives us this whole speech about how we don't even know the half of what Sermsah has gone through to get here, which - is puzzling and makes me wonder what more there is. And then they recap his journey and it's quite nicely done, even if I still think his 'are you sure you want to do that?' when they put him through after the group dances was lame-arse. And then we get the interview and the editing monkeys bleep out most of his first sentence right up to just before he actually says the word fuck. Ah, the pitfalls of live TV.
It's very funny anyway, because he's all apologising for swearing and everyone else is trying to look shocked and not laugh, but failing, and I'm laughing because I have no kids to protect the innocent ears of. But, you know, he too is nice about leaving, and not all bitter and shit.
And that's the show. Next week the dancers are choreographing their own routines. Which I find frightening and not-cool in the extreme, because this is SYTYCDA, not Idol, and we don't need or want special theme nights. Just ... go find some choreographers, k?
But here are my predictions anyway:
Rhys and Jemma will do a little bit of slightly gender-bending jazzy stuff. Jason will hate that Rhys didn't dance like a man. Or maybe he won't. It depends on the song. I will like it but middle Australia might get a bit worried.
Henry and Vanessa will combine lots of his hip thrusting with lots of her ballet. It will be slightly wrong, but ok.
Camilla and Anthony will put me to sleep with boring leapy jazz.
Kate and Graeme will probably stick to what they do well and go for some sort of angry contemporary jazz thing.
Demi and Jack will do something hip-hop flavoured, to cater to Demi not being that good at anything else.
Ditto JD and Rhiannon.
It will not be the best night of dance ever. Sigh.
Labels: SYTYCD
yeah that jacket was the worst.
I would have watched more but it burned my eyes.
It turns out that I am tangentially related by marriage and then by marriage again to that young judge guy. Four degrees, or somesuch.
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