It's Gretel, bitch.
You know, I reckon I would actually watch The Weakest Link again if it had Gretel Killeen in the role as host. As much as I despise it when old game show formats get recycled like this (see: The Price is Right), there aren't too many women on TV who could play a harsh but respectable bitch, in a manner that doesn't come off like a bad pantomime, and I think Gretsky is one of them. Hey, maybe that extra concentrated bitch juice she was chugging in the ad breaks throughout BB07 could actually be an asset to her on-screen persona?
And anyway, I don't believe the show itself is old and boring. I loved the Australian one with Cornelia Frances when it was on, and I have many fond memories of sitting in my lounge room, chiming enthusiastically in with a hearty 'join us again for The Weakest Link... goodbye' at the end of every episode. I also love watching the UK version on UKTV with Anne Robinson as host, who I'm pretty sure could literally castrate any man with just an evil furrow of the eyebrow. So perhaps I'm just really, really lame, and my predilection towards quiz shows has rocketed me into the 65+ age bracket, but I'm actually hoping it will eventuate.
SEAMLESS SEGUE ::>>> complete with theme music and flashing graphics, etc.
I was planning on doing a proper review of Skins, which airs on SBS and is in my opinion the most underrated show on television, but as I can't be arsed right now I will instead just advise you to watch the show while it's still on. Monday, SBS, 10pm. At first I only watched it because I have a YOOOGE crush on Nicholas Hoult, one of the young stars of the show, but I'm really into the other characters right now. As it transpires, my favourite characters are the nerdy Sid and the long suffering but ADORABLE Cassie, while Hoult's character, Tony, is a bit of a jerk who I've come to like less and less as the series continues. Fucking Tony! Why are you such a cheating, sneaky, manipulative arsehole?! But I guess that's just good scriptwriting then, eh?
In any case, I rate this show, and in a time of unprecedented levels of cynicism we should all be grateful that the UK is still exporting shows of this calibre.
Next week's episode, I am aware, follows the storyline of two of the more minor characters, Maxxie and Anwar, the poof and the Muslim, respectively. So watch it, it should be arright for a laff, innit. Safe.
And anyway, I don't believe the show itself is old and boring. I loved the Australian one with Cornelia Frances when it was on, and I have many fond memories of sitting in my lounge room, chiming enthusiastically in with a hearty 'join us again for The Weakest Link... goodbye' at the end of every episode. I also love watching the UK version on UKTV with Anne Robinson as host, who I'm pretty sure could literally castrate any man with just an evil furrow of the eyebrow. So perhaps I'm just really, really lame, and my predilection towards quiz shows has rocketed me into the 65+ age bracket, but I'm actually hoping it will eventuate.
SEAMLESS SEGUE ::>>> complete with theme music and flashing graphics, etc.
I was planning on doing a proper review of Skins, which airs on SBS and is in my opinion the most underrated show on television, but as I can't be arsed right now I will instead just advise you to watch the show while it's still on. Monday, SBS, 10pm. At first I only watched it because I have a YOOOGE crush on Nicholas Hoult, one of the young stars of the show, but I'm really into the other characters right now. As it transpires, my favourite characters are the nerdy Sid and the long suffering but ADORABLE Cassie, while Hoult's character, Tony, is a bit of a jerk who I've come to like less and less as the series continues. Fucking Tony! Why are you such a cheating, sneaky, manipulative arsehole?! But I guess that's just good scriptwriting then, eh?
In any case, I rate this show, and in a time of unprecedented levels of cynicism we should all be grateful that the UK is still exporting shows of this calibre.
Next week's episode, I am aware, follows the storyline of two of the more minor characters, Maxxie and Anwar, the poof and the Muslim, respectively. So watch it, it should be arright for a laff, innit. Safe.
Labels: Skins, The Weakest Link
The thing about Skins is that there are some great aspects to the show - like the fantastic young cast (especially the boys), but the show can be a bit ... well, silly sometimes.
Like when they drove the car into the lake and when Sid shoved all those drugs up his arse and that sort of thing. Plus they trash a new house each week.
But it's still a great show, and well worth watching.
I'm totally in love with Maxxie - he's so beautiful.
And Sid is the nicest guy ever - I can't wait to see him finally tell Tony where to shove it.
I'm hoping for a Sid-Cassie romance, but the girl needs to sort her shit out first. She seems to have a few problems ...
I know, it is really silly. I like it because it's silly, not because I relate especially to the whole concept of it.
Sid *is* the nicest guy ever, except he's really terrible at friendships. He envies and admires Tony, which is understandable, but he ignores the fact that Tony is an utter arse to him. Like hand-balling his girlfriend Michelle on to him, cheating with some random bitch in front of her and then getting back together with her.
Sid treats Cassie like crap, without even totally realising that he's doing it. It's awful to watch. Poor Cassie! Incidentally, I love her facial expressions and the way she says 'wow' all the time. They're so exaggerated and falsely positive, you know?
Hm. I love this show way too much. Can't wait for the second series!
Maxxie - PHWWWWWWOOOOOOOAAAR! What a stereotype, though.
Oh, and Anwar is such a fool.
Anwar looks like he's about twelve years old - someone tell him to shave off that stupid teenage mustache!
And the way he was treating my beloved Maxxie last monday had me fuming. As if the two of them would be best friends in real life.
And as if Maxxie would have turned down the chance to shag Nicholas Hoult! True, the guy might be *evil* but you still wouldn't say no. Even if his girlfriend was watching.
Although it made me admire Maxxie just that little bit more, for being so moral and shit. I also sensed that he knew what Tony is up to with his philandering. It's about being in charge of everyone and about conquest. He's not gay, but he wanted to know he could be in charge of Maxxie, just like he is with the others.
So HA to Tony. And YAY to Maxxie.
Pity he's too much of a pussy to tell Anwar where to shove his stupid religion, though.
(Also, Maxxie? Is the gayest name ever)
Maxxie is the gayest name ever - and Maxxie is the gayest character ever. A walking, talking stereotype.
I still like him though - although I'm starting to find that I like him a lot more when he has his shirt off. He can be a bit whiney sometimes.
I do admire him for not letting Tony manipulate him with his sick power games - but I really wanted to watch!
Oh, woe is me.
Urgh, did you see last night's episode? Michelle was fully a bitch to Maxxie. I believe the word 'slut' was thrown about, which I think was entirely retarded and mean of her, seeing as a) Tony came on to HIM, and b) he politely declined the offer (after a TINY moment of acquiescence to Tony's advance).
But what really burned me was that Maxxie APOLOGISED to the class for being a slut. It was funny to see Tony visibly humiliated like that, but still. Not fair. Not fair at all.
On a different note: how did Tony get Josh's phone, to send Michelle all the pics of Abby in the nude to make it look like Josh was a deviant?
Last Monday's episode was the worst. Episode. Ever. I put it down to it focussing on one of the girls, who I don't think are anywhere near as interesting as the boys.
I have no idea how Tony got hold of Josh's phone - suddenly he just had them both there with him, and I was like WTF?
BTW - Do you think Josh is really hot or really ugly? He's either one or the other and I can't decide which.
Maxxie apologising for being a "slut" made me a bit upset too - and nobody came up to him and said "Maxxie you beautiful boy, you're not a slut, and stop being so hard on yourself."
And we've seen no evidence at all that Maxxie is a slut - as far as I'm aware, he hasn't ever actually even kissed anyone on the show yet, unless you count his little thing with Tony.
I don't really like Michelle at all - and I have no idea what Sid sees in her.
Oh, I didn't hate the episode. It just made me a bit shitty at the characters, especially Michelle.
I agree in part on the girls not being as interesting as the boys. I'm probably heaps biased, but of my favourite characters, Cassie is the only girl. The others are Sid, Chris and Maxxie.
Josh looked... odd. I think. I don't know. Next to Tony he isn't anything special, but I can believe that he would be the kind of guy who Michelle would hook up with. I have a feeling he's a one-episode-character, so I didn't really pay much attention to him.
Re Maxxie: I think a while ago I was reading some of the forums on the show, and there was this big question about whether or not Maxxie will find a boyfriend by the end of the series. I could go and find out now, seeing as they're already well into the second series in the UK, but I want to watch and see what happens. I hope he does.
At the start of the series he had a few short little appearances, and they gave the impression that he's all comfortable and happy with himself. But the last few episodes show otherwise. It's be good to see him hook up and sort out a few of his issues.
Re Sid: Did you go all 'wooo Sid! Yay!' when he turned Michelle down? I did.
Oh - and how about Sid's dad? "He's not gay!"
Yeah, I didn't like the episode - and it looks like next week's is going to be so over the top it might be hard for me to watch without laughing. But I'll still watch.
Sid, Chris, Maxxie and Cassie are my favourites too. Chris is really growing on me - he's kind of ugly, but still really attractive. I love his facial expressions and that odd way in which he speaks.
I was glad that Sid turned Michelle down - he should save himself for Cassie! And who knows what sort of diseases he might have picked up from Michelle. She has been sleeping with Tony after all.
It was kind of funny when Sid's dad made his phone call, but on the other hand - someone not being gay isn't a cause for celebration!
That's the sort of attitude which makes it so hard for young gays to come out of the closet.
It was still funny though (although given Sid's choices in pornography, you'd have thought it wouldn't have come as much of a surprise).
Oh, Nick, it was just funny about the dad's attitude. And anyway, from a father's point of view, it's probably natural to be happy about your own son not being gay.
Chris? Ugly? no. I wouldn't kick him out of bed, that's for damn sure.
And who knows what sort of diseases he might have picked up from Michelle. She has been sleeping with Tony after all.
Reeowr. Totally.
It was still funny though (although given Sid's choices in pornography, you'd have thought it wouldn't have come as much of a surprise).
Haha, how funny was that scene when Tony walked in on him? He didn't give a shit, even though it was a photo of his girlfriend. What a crap boyfriend. Funny though.
I have a feeling the next episode will be a total Tony-fest, which I'm not sure is a bad thing. It started with Tony, he's the more prominent of the group, and his character seems like the one to put a nice little knot in the end of the series. I hope it'll be good. I hate crap endings.
Yeah, it was funny when Tony walked in on Sid when he was "using" the photo of Michelle. It's a bit scary how smart Tony is sometimes. He's a total evil genius.
You always feel sorry for Sid, because he's so much nicer than Tony, but Tony's better looking and smarter, and even Sid's parents seem to like Tony better than Sid.
I do find Chris's face a bit ugly - but in a good way. I wouldn't kick him out of bed either. I just read on the wiki that the actor who plays him does the clearasil ads in the UK. LOL
I know what you mean when you say its natural for a father to be pleased that his son isn't gay - but it *isn't* natural, it's a social construct that as gays we need to break down. But maybe that's just wishful thinking.
Oh, and speaking of Tony, I noticed last week that I detected some Hugh-Grantesque mannerisms in young Mr Hoult when he was trying to make up with Michelle at the end. Perhaps he picked them up from the About a Boy set?
Ah yes, the insecure, bumbling, pleading mannerisms. Why didn't I pick up on that?
Apparently, he and Hugh Grant are still friends. I also read somewhere that About A Boy is the only one of Grant's movies that he can stand to watch. Admittedly this is all probably internet garbage, but yeah.
I know what you mean when you say its natural for a father to be pleased that his son isn't gay - but it *isn't* natural, it's a social construct that as gays we need to break down. But maybe that's just wishful thinking.
Oh, lord. I don't feel the need to break down anything. Besides, people don't want to be preached to, no matter if what they're being preached about is the truth.
Anyhoo, it was a funny line in the series. Respect the line. Love the line.
Clearasil ads?! Ha. That's funny.
I like Chris' eyes, and his hair. Don't ask me to explain these things.
Well, that was the weirdest episode ever. The good thing is that it wasn't the last episode, so we don't end on the decidedly low note of Tony being rejected by all his friends and having the shit kicked out of him by some psycho who wants him to have sex with his sister.
No, the last episode is next week.
But seriously, what the hell was that? Poor Tony. He came to his senses at last! And it looks like Cassie and Sid are sort of on. Naturally, though, I hope it wasn't ruined when he responded to Tony's call whilst in the middle of a macking session with her.
I may just go off to JB-Hifi and buy the series, I just can't be fucked waiting until next week. Plus I'm feeling very nostalgic for the earlier episodes. Ah, simpler times.
Hm, it just occurred to me that this comment would have worked better as a proper post. Meh. What can you do?
It was a weird episode - a bit too OTT for my liking, I must admit.
Tony's come to his senses - but where does that leave his character to go? Nice Tony won't be interesting Tony.
Did you see the promo for next week's episode? Hmmm ... I don't think the series is planning on ending on a high note.
And no Maxxie at all!!! Not even a glimpse of him last night. What a bummer.
I think Cassie is pretty pissed with Sid for still being stuck in Tony's arse. I don't think they'll be a couple by the end of the series.
Good luck with buying the series on DVD Jacob. I trust you have no intention of pausing and replaying over and over again certain scenes of certain gorgeous young actors with their shirts off?
Because that would be wrong and might get you sent to hell. As we know, The Baby Jesus sees everything!
I already saw that on YouTube and personally wore the video out.
God I am so shameful. Smite me quick, Jebus!
The writers of Skins should be lined up against the wall and shot for that outrageous, disgusting, horrifying, revolting, insulting dead-dingo's-donger of an Australian sterotype they wrote into the show for the last episode!!
OMG I was totally disgusted.
My faith in the world has been shattered.
And Tony got hit by a bus. I hope it didn't damage his beautiful face.
I know. I cringed so much that I thought I might have depleted my lifetime allocation of shame and horror.
As far as I'm concerned, it's one of the few massive errors in that show. I hope that the actor was just a British moron who doesn't know shit, I really do, and that the writers had concussion one day and conceived of his stupid character.
Isn't it totally amazing that Tony got hit by a bus, but when the camera panned to him all he had was a blood nose? Wow!
Tony's aura of self-confidence must have warded off the worst of the bus's impact.
On the subject of the writers of Skins, I was reading somewhere the other week that there was this big controversy over at The Guardian online.
A Skins writer was doing a blog for the paper's website - some travel diary thing - and the readers hated it (and him) so much that they absolutely trashed him in the comments and eventually he got sacked.
He'd also made some anti-Australian comments.
It was a huge controversy. If I wasn't at the library and pressed for time I'd find a link to it.
Nick, here's the SMH article on it and here's the blog in question.
This is how he begins:
Hello. I'm Max Gogarty. I'm 19 and live on top of a hill in north London.
Clearly he's a literary genius of some kind.
Anyway, the readers quite rightly lambasted him for his crappy writing technique, his vapid self-preoccupation and the fact that he is the son of a Guardian writer.
I almost feel sorry for the kid ... almost.
I suspect he might have been responsible for creating that Australian character in the show.
Speaking of: Angie is soooo ugly! And old. Chris would be a lot better off without her.
Angie's okay looking. She's what? Mid thirties? I'd hit it.
And also I think the age difference between she and Chris is supposed to emphasise that he has genuine feelings for her. Think about it - he could get a decent chick his own age, but instead he pursues Angie. It's cute, if somewhat illegal.
I find Angie to be really unattractive. Not just physically, but in the other ways as well.
To me, they've ever really adequately established *why* Chris likes her so much. It seems a bit like they're just having a student-teacher relationship for the sake of it.
And they got together really quickly - she didn't put up much of a fight, given that she's supposed to be doing something illegal and potentially life and career destroying.
I definitely wouldn't hit it. And if I did, I'd go and get myself tested the next day. She looks like she's carrying yeast infections and everything.
They left out a lot of important and relevant shit.
Angie has herpes, you remember? HA! Herpes. I don't know exactly what that is, but it sounds embarrassing.
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