Tuesday 4 September 2007

So You Think You Can Recap

I don't think it's possible to adequately express just how excited I was about the new season of So You Think You Can Dance starting. There are no words. There is just squeeing. Times three, for Misses M and H have become reality teevee aficionados in a very short space of time.

And.... breathe.

Ooh. Preamble montage. The very best kind. This year is going to be even betterer than last year, OMG, really? You promise? Lucky I am not the slightest bit cynical isn't it...

We get to see footage from last year - in quick succession we have Giddy Nigel, Freaked Out Nigel, Cranky Nigel. Oh Crying Benji, ya big sook! Gratuitous Screaming Mary shots - that'd be a contractual obligation I'd expect.

And... Cat Deeley is again on my screen, in all her Brummie glory. Wearing a horse blanket, as you do in New York in midwinter - don't want to catching Equine Flu now do we? Oh Cat, how I have missed you! So much that I'm prepared to forgive the crap you're spouting about New York being the Dance capital of the world. Apparently there's one dance studio and one bagel store for every single inhabitant of the city. Wowza, I'll be expecting some quality dancing then...

Cat sans blanket

The judges file in - Nigel, Screaming Mary Murphy and the lovely Dan Karaty who is still insisting on wearing t-shirts over everything. Bless.

Woohoo! The first dancers of the season, Anya and Pasha, are doing a sexy Latin number. She's wearing a clingy oversize t-shirt and red heels and Nigel is smitten. His jaw hits the floor, 'so sexy' he dribbles to Mary who is left to discreetly mop the puddles. She declares they are the best ballroom dancers ever on the show, which is a big call all things considering. I mean we haven't even seen Pasha's chest once yet. Isn't that what Ballroom's all about? Nigel is struck dumb. That, or he's channeling an even-more-monosyllabic-than-usual Paris Hilton... "Hott" he slobbers. Unsurprisingly, they're off to Vegas!

This is Ballroom...

Then we have some more contractual obligations to fulfill: namely the parade of misfits who all, well, think they can dance...

  • "Dancing" Derrick Bradley, for whom dancing is his life. Of course. He once danced for 22 hours straight, but manages 30 seconds of 'dancing' (ie, jumping up and down madly) before almost collapsing, sweat pouring down his face. He's not going to Vegas, he's going straight to the nearest paramedic standing by with oxygen. For reals.

  • 30 year-old Jessica, wearing a neon pink tutu, doing some interpretative dance in which she plays Jesus. Doing the splits. Nigel asks her what planet she's from - 'New York' she answers. Well duh.

  • Creepy stalker Joel and his ex-girlfriend Carmen. He wears yellow Lennon glasses, she wears a black spangly sack. Noice. They're crap. They're utterly gobsmacked. I'm shaking my head at the self-delusion of these people.

  • David "Sex" Soller in his turquoise board shorts and football gloves and his excruciating, cringe-worthy routine. He backchats Nigel, but then needs his mum, 'Mrs Sex', to take the heat for him... His mum whom he so freakishly resembles that I'm surprised he wasn't dancing to "Dueling Banjos".

There are the typical heart-warming 'journeys' - Hannah-Lee who almost died when a floor collapsed beneath her at a wedding in Israel (complete with home-video footage); Heather, addicted to tattoos, survivor of 2 hip surgeries, told she should never dance again by her doctors, but what would they know? Because girlfriend was 'born to dance'... 'E-Knock' Phillips who's had a tough childhood, but redeeming himself through dance - hey, you know the story here... Nice somersaults off the stage and over various items of equipment though.

Then... woohoo! Stanislav's back! And he's partnering his sexy little sister Faina ... Cat asks her why they don't dance together anymore "so we can get along" is the answer. BWAH! She's going to Vegas too...

Ah, Stanislav... *sigh*

And we're going to LA and Chicago in a mammoth 2 hour show next week. Too much SYTYCD can never be a bad thing!



Blogger killerrabbit said...

Nice recap there - I missed the first episode of SYTYCD and now I feel all caught up.

I'm disappointed that screaming judge is back though as she was very irritating.

4 September 2007 at 6:55 pm  
Blogger MissE said...

We don't allow anonymous comments?


Ooooh. Creepy Joel and his kinda feral girlfriend were incredibly creepy. I was all uncomfortable watching that bit, and not in anything like a good way.

Am I really juvenile in finding brother/sister dance couples a little icky? Because I kinda do. They touch each others bums sometimes. Ew.

4 September 2007 at 7:27 pm  
Blogger Mars said...

i always got a bit confused about this show... sometimes the judges were judges and sometimes they were the coreographers. it was like a revolving panel.

however, truly awesome show rivalled only by the amazing race, obvs.

4 September 2007 at 7:37 pm  
Blogger actonb said...

KR - Yes, unfortunately Screaming Mary Murphy is hanging around. She was quite restrained though, must have been on her best behaviour.

LaRue - we do now - i fixed it.

Also - creepy stalker Joel and his fugly ex girlfriend were quite hideous. Her body language was a little concerning.

And hee - very juvenile indeed. You should have seen Benji and Heidi dancing last year - they were cousins!

mars - yeah the circuit judges can be a little confusing, but it's good that most of the judges are choreographers as well, so we know that they know what they're talking about. Except Mia who resides on the same planet as the Jesus girl from this week. She's insane.

4 September 2007 at 8:09 pm  
Blogger Jacob said...

I've only just recently got into SYTYCD. I had screaming fits of laughter when I saw Dancing Derrick do his little jumping on the spot routine and nearly dying. It was the highlight of my evening.

4 September 2007 at 10:00 pm  
Blogger meva said...

I missed the first series of SYTYCD. Oh! My! God! What was I doing with my time? It is totally AWESOME. But what is the story with Screaming Mary? Soooooooo irritating.

My fave bit of the first episode was when one of the godawful female 'dancers', whose belly and boobs seemed to form just one round balloon above her stumpy little legs and had no sense of rhythm and could barely lift a foot of the floor (was it Carmen?), said she was a dance instructor. When queried by Nigel, she explained that her dad told her to get a job and he found the ad in the paper. "Nude dance instructor. No experience necessary."

7 September 2007 at 2:27 pm  

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